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Como de cêra
E por acaso
Fria no vaso
A entardecer

A pêra é um pomo
Em holocausto
À vida, como
Um seio exausto

Entre bananas
E maças lhanas

Rubras, contentes
A pobre pêra:
Quem manda ser a?

(Vinicius de Moraes)

un altre solet de Sant Martí

The little things that you say and do
Make me want to be with you
You rave on, it's a crazy feelin'
I know, she's got me reelin'
When you say I love you, rave on

The way you dance and hold me tight
The way you kiss when we say goodnight
Rave on, it's a crazy feeling
And I, I know it's got me reelin'
When you say I love you, rave on

Rave on, it's a crazy feeling
And I, I know its got me reelin'
I'm so glad that you're revealing your love for me
Rave on, rave on, tell me, tell me not to be lonely
Tell me, you love me only, rave on to me

Oh, oh, rave on, it's a crazy feeling
And I, I know its got me reelin'
I'm so glad that you're revealin' your love for me
Oh, rave on, rave on, tell me, tell me not to be lonely
Tell me, you love me only, rave on to me

The little things that you say and do
Make me want to be with you
Rave on, it's a crazy feeling
And I know, she's got me reelin'
When you say I love you, rave on

Oh, rave on, it's a crazy feeling
And I, I know its got me reelin'
I'm so glad that you're revealin' your love for me
Rave on, rave on, tell me, tell me not to be lonely
Tell me, you love me only, rave on to me
Rave on to me, rave on to me

(M. Ward)

mmmhh... solet

Letizia, allí, dintre el taüt, sota els xiprers, sota la lluna, sota la terra molla. Les arrels dels arbres furgarien la terra molla. Letizia, blanca sota la lluna de coure. Letizia cridaria la seva desemparança sota la nit glaçada, una primera nit de cementiri. L'ullot enemic de la lluna s'immobilitzaria sotjant-la damunt les torres de Santa Maria Liberal. Les ratespenades fregarien en un vol vacil·lant i compacte la terra molla. Les xibeques esbufegarien malediccions i presagis de càstig des dels brancatges més encimats. Letizia, espaordida i trista sota la lluna de coure. La generosa porrona del fosser correria per un cercle de col·legues, un cercle on es conten velles històries d'ànimes. Algun gat diabòlic urpejaria la fanguera xopa, a la recerca d'esperits damnats i de deixalles macabres. Els verms començarien a rosegar la carnassa fresca, una despulla anònima. Letizia, allí, la primera nit de cementiri. Blanca sota els xiprers. Trista sota la terra molla. Sola sota la lluna de coure.

LETIZIA. Un conte de Poe sense Poe ni por. Salvador Espriu

sol solet vine'm a veure que tinc fred

I could build a mansion that is higher than the trees

I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please

I could fly to Paris, it's at my beck and call

Why do I live my life alone with nothing at all?

But when I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

When I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

I can be the singer or the clown in any room

I can call up someone to take me to the moon

I can put my makeup on and drive the men insane

I can go to bed alone and never know his name

But when I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

When I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true

(Carol Kidd)

tancant els ulls

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